Am I there yet?

Am I there yet?
It is better to attempt something great and fail, than to attempt to do nothing and succeed.

Summer Fun

My moods are ruled by the weather. I am a much happier person from March through November. I am a summer person all the way. I can sit in the sun all day long, but having a pool makes that bearable. I slap my hair up off my neck, kick off my shoes (not that I usually wear any) and soak up the rays. I am a true Alabama girl and wouldn't have it any other way.

I love the water. I don't care if it is the pool, the beach or the river. Residing on or near the water is where you will find me.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Moving forward

I attended the Emerald Coast Writers Conference last weekend. I walked away with the reaffirmed knowledge that writing the book was the easy part, now I need to be disciplined enough to see it through. I need to finish my editing. I need to tweak my query letter. I need to write my synopsis.

The same agent who has shown interest in my book was there. She requested a hard-copy of my manuscript to work on editing. Of course, I printed a copy that night and gladly handed it to her the next day. I will accept any help, criticism, at this point.

I finished my romantic short story this week and feel good about it. Several people read it and made suggestions in some areas and it is ready to go out. It will be going out tomorrow and I will see what happens.

I also began some research for my next novel. So, I do feel like I am accomplishing some writing goals and moving forward. I'm off to the river tomorrow after daughter's softball game, and being there always inspires me.